Tuesday, September 9, 2008


So with my anniversary of my job came a promotion!

In July I subbed for this girl in Accounting that was going to Cambodia for almost a month. I was responsible for preparing the daily deposit that she usually did in the mornings. I guess they liked me enough to ask me to join them!! I technically already knew about it because my boss told me there would be a position opening up soon by way of the manager retiring.

I've started up back there and most of the work is easier than I thought it would be. I thought I would have to know weird equations and all types of crap I never paid attention to in math. I have just been learning the basics and have been subbing for a girl on vacation this whole week.

Friday, August 29, 2008


WOW! Time has flown by sooo fast for me. Today marks the anniversary of my first day here at Industrial Supply. I remember they day I heard about this position. I received an unexpected call from a dear friend that I worked with in UPS Freight Claims Dept.

After our normal small talk of how are you's and what are you up to's, I told her I was looking for a different job. She said she thought I was ok with work, but had me remember a customer that she exclusively processed claims for. I knew right off who she was talking about because the claims we always illegible and hard to read and I'd actually made fun of this "Jeff" guy that turned them in. It turned out that he was the one who was looking for someone to work for him. I took down his number and gave him a call. He asked me to come and see him for an interview.

When I arrived at the red brick building, I was very nervous and felt out of place when I walked in. The receptionist greeted me rudely and called Jeff to tell him the "young lady" is here to see him. I was escorted to the back of the building where his office was where I saw this short balding man sitting behind his big desk on the phone. I stood there waiting for him to finish. He plopped the phone done on the base and greeted me. He was very nice and had a strong hand shake. I gave my most polite smile and shook back while introducing myself.

After the interview I went back to my job at SunTrust and Jeff called. He told me right there on the spot to turn in my 2 weeks notice. I had got the job, and even a few days of vacation to go along with it.

That was last year...And here I am today! I am not able to remember names and faces, I have been promoted to accounting, I have learned more than any other person who has been in this position, and most importantly....I HAVE VACATION DAYS!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Not Working

I've been on the net ALL day! I've barely done any work...just can't really concentrate on things. Went to bed at like 3, too busy getting in to Lost! Trying to finish watching seasons 1-4 so I can be caught up for season 5 next year.

I've been a grouch lately at work...I just get soo annoyed when people like to talk talk talk your freaking head of! I don't know why it's been annoying me. This one lady in particular likes to do it when I'm eating lunch at my desk. And I'm sure you're thinking, why eat at your desk?? The break room sucks at lunch time. Just a bunch of older people in there who I don't relate to at all. And I HAVE tried to eat in there, but there's no use. I am not intending to be mean, but I can't help my feelings.

I really don't have any work to do, so I guess it's not really my fault. I think it might be the dreary weather taking a toll on my attitude. My mind is at home in the bed snuggled under the covers and my body is here at this desk; which is covered with random papers that don't mean anything. I'm just glad that I have the net and email access to cure my boredom. I guess I also don't feel as pressured to find something to do since my boss is on vacation :)